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Showing posts from March, 2017

Ionic2 - Hammer JS Example

Gesture event support is also one of the reason behind popularity of mobile applications. Capturing gesture events can be easily done in case of native mobile applications, since all the mobile platform expose gesture events in native code. Since Hybrid mobile applications are built over html and  javascript,  html don't support gesture events. There could be scenario's, where you wants to provide support for your hybrid mobile application. In such cases, we can use Hammer.JS  . Angular version 2 also provides support for Hammer.JS, about the same we will look into this post. Let's say we want to design a simple box, which we can rotate in any direction as shown Here we are trying to rotate the box in any direction by using Gesture events. To perform rotation we need to use two fingers. Let's see how we can implement the same in Ionic. Let's create a blank application using command ionic start hammerjsExample blank --v2 Now let's add Hammer.JS ...