an attractive icon and splash screen are always important for your mobile application. after all they are the first thing anyone will look into.
But this has been always a great headache for the developers. Since they need to support multiple platforms and devices with different screen sizes. Each platform and device requires different size of icons and splash screen.
We are lucky that Ionic team has taken care of this for us. We can read about all this from there documentation.
Open terminal/command prompt, navigate to ionic project root folder and enter below commands
or we can use one command to generate both the icon and splash screen
That's it, we can build our application and it will work like a Charm.
But this has been always a great headache for the developers. Since they need to support multiple platforms and devices with different screen sizes. Each platform and device requires different size of icons and splash screen.
We are lucky that Ionic team has taken care of this for us. We can read about all this from there documentation.
After the release of Cordova 6.0, icon and splash screen is not updating for android platform and it is showing default icon and splash screen. Actually there was an issue in Cordova 6.0 version, which is now fixed in latest Cordova android version.
Since Ionic2 is still referring to the old Cordova 6 version, this issue is occurring for all the new applications that are being created. There is a solution for the same which we will look here now.Open terminal/command prompt, navigate to ionic project root folder and enter below commands
Remove android platform
ionic platform rm android
Add latest cordova android version
ionic platform add android@latest
Generate icon and splash screen using ionic cli
if you don't know anything about ionic icon and splash screen generation, then please read link mentioned above.
We can use ionic cli to generate the icon and splash screen required for all different platforms and devices. use the below commands for icons and splash screen respectively.
We can use ionic cli to generate the icon and splash screen required for all different platforms and devices. use the below commands for icons and splash screen respectively.
ionic resources --icon
ionic resources --splash
or we can use one command to generate both the icon and splash screen
ionic resources
Set config.xml for splash screen
<preference name="SplashMaintainAspectRatio" value="true"/> <preference name="FadeSplashScreenDuration" value="3000"/> <preference name="SplashScreen" value="screen"/> <preference name="SplashScreenDelay" value="2000"/> <preference name="SplashShowOnlyFirstTime" value="false"/> <preference name="AutoHideSplashScreen" value="false"/> <preference name="ShowSplashScreenSpinner" value="false"/>
That's it, we can build our application and it will work like a Charm.
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